Williams and Goodwin estate and letting agents in north wales Sales Board


Gwerthu Heb y Straen

Gwerthu eich eiddo gyda ni

We sell so many residential property that sometimes people do not realise we also have thriving departments in the marketing and sale of agricultural land & buildings, commercial & business property and those “odd bits” of property that are rather unique and don’t come to the market often.

Gwerthu Tir

Yn naturiol, mae tir yn ased pwysig. Os oes gennych dir ar gyfer adeiladu, o lain unigol i ddatblygiad mawr, gallwn drafod a helpu i'w farchnata i'r bobl gywir, i'ch helpu chi i gyflawni eich amcanion. Mae'r galw am dir amaethyddol wedi parhau'n dda a byddwn yn aml yn llwyddo i gael prisiau uwch na'r cyfartaledd fesul acer.


Thinking Of Marketing Your Property

Our guide will help you in your decision…



When it comes to our marketing, we are experts in creating high-impact, cost-effective campaigns with maximum market exposure, tailored specifically for you and your property.

We utilise a clever combination of online and database marketing combined with signage & print advertising. Importantly, our campaigns are designed to achieve a premium price for your property.

Cysylltu Eiddo a Phobl

Mae pob gwerthiant neu osodiad llwyddiannus yn ganlyniad uniongyrchol i'n profiad helaeth, arweinyddiaeth ymarferol a gwaith caled diflino. Dyma'r hanfodion sy'n ein hysgogi. Mae ein tîm ymroddgar, hirsefydlog yn darparu cryfder mewn marchnad gystadleuol iawn, ac mae ein gwerthoedd traddodiadol yn cael eu cyfoethogi gan frwdfrydedd egnïol. Rydym yn flaengar ac yn arloesol, ond yn aros yn driw i'n gwreiddiau bob amser, gan gynnig y gofal a gwasanaeth personol sy'n hanfodol er mwyn sicrhau canlyniadau rhagorol.


Dan arweiniad y cyfarwyddwyr a'r cyd-sefydlwyr Melfyn Williams a Tim Goodwin, sy'n weithgar iawn yn y farchnad, mae ein hasiantau'n rhannu brwdfrydedd ynghylch eiddo a gogledd Cymru. Rydym yn ymfalchïo yn y ffaith ein bod yn bobl leol sydd â meddylfryd cymunedol ac wrth ein bodd yn cymryd rhan. Fel rhan annatod o’r gymdogaeth, byddwn yn cynnig cymorth mewn sawl ffordd a byddwn bob amser yma pan fydd arnoch ein hangen.

Enw da...
Peidiwch â dibynnu ar ein gair ni yn unig; daw tua 40% o'n busnes drwy argymhellion a phobl yn dychwelyd atom dro ar ôl tro. Nid ydym yn rai am frolio'n aml, ond rydym wedi ennill nifer dda o wobrau dros lawer o flynyddoedd, ac mae hynny'n arwydd cyson o'n llwyddiant a'n hawydd cryf i lwyddo er eich mwyn chi.


Y cyfryngau cymdeithasol - y chwyldro technolegol. Mae'n digwydd nawr.
Mae'n syfrdanol pa mor gyflym a sylweddol mae'r cyfryngau cymdeithasol wedi tyfu ac, fel asiant blaenllaw, rydym yn sicrhau ein bod yn manteisio i'r eithaf ar fuddion y cyfryngau cymdeithasol ar gyfer ein gwerthwyr a'n landlordiaid

Rydym wedi croesawu'r defnydd o Facebook drwy arddangos rhai o'n heiddo ar y platfform, mewn ffordd debyg iawn i'r hyn a geir yn rhai o'n pyrth. Beth am ein hoffi ar Facebook/tppuk? Mae hyn yn wir am Twitter hefyd; bydd ein swyddfeydd yn trydar canlyniadau ocsiynau a negeseuon drwy gydol y mis.


Mae LinkedIn hefyd yn cynnig ffyrdd gwych o ddechrau sgwrs gyda phrynwyr a gwerthwyr, ac eraill sy'n gweithio ym maes eiddo. Beth am gysylltu ag aelod o'n tîm yn eich ardal chi? Byddwn hefyd yn rhannu fideos o eiddo a chanlyniadau ocsiynau, yn ogystal â gwybodaeth am ardaloedd a nawdd rydym wedi'i ddarparu i dimau yn y gymuned leol.

Prisiad Eiddo Am Ddim

Ydych chi'n edrych i werthu neu osod? Darganfyddwch beth yw gwerth eich eiddo. Archebwch brisiad arbenigol gydag un o'n trafodwyr neu rhowch gynnig ar ein hofferyn prisio ar unwaith i gael amcangyfrif cyflym.
Book an expert valuation with one of our negotiators or try our instant valuation tool for a quick estimate.

Prisiad Sydyn

Prisio Eiddo

"*" yn dangos meysydd angenrheidiol


View our privacy policy regarding website enquiries.

Dewch i Gwrdd â'n Tîm Gwerthu

Sam Whitehead

Sam Whitehead

Emily Jacobs

Emily Jacobs

Eiddo ar werth


London Road, Bodedern

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Bangor, Gwynedd

  • 3
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Bangor, Gwynedd. By Online Auction – Provisional bidding closing 21st November 2024

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Abergele, Conwy. By Online Auction- Provisional bidding closing 21st November 2024

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High Street,Bryngwyran

  • 3
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Gaerwen, Isle of Anglesey

  • 4
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Gweld Pob Eiddo
Sion Elias
This was our first experience of selling a property by auction and we were pleasantly surprised by the ease and smoothness of the whole process. The staff at the Llangefni office guided us through and the property was well advertised, attracting a lot of attention from potential buyers. We were kept...
Rhys Jones
I'm delighted to share my outstanding experience with Kerry Hodgson during my recent house purchase. Kerry's expertise and dedication were truly exceptional. Her in-depth knowledge of the local market helped me find the perfect property, while her attention to detail ensured I made an informed deci...
Sue Porcelli
Very helpful staff
Alan Hughes
My recent experience with Williams & Goodwin Holyhead has a pleasure due to the excellent service Charlotte provided. Communication was excellent and she was very informative and attentive to any queries I had. I couldn't ask for a better Estate agent. Thank you!
Riley Lou
Kerry Hodgson was our agent from start to finish during our house buying process, and she was absolutely brilliant throughout the whole thing. Her responses were pretty much immediate, she was always there for us to answer any questions we had and was always super friendly. She made us feel so at ea...
Vicky Jenkinson
Charlotte Roberts - Property Specialist, was allocated to support us with our house purchase. From the start of our journey in buying our chosen property, right through to the final signing of papers, Charlotte was there supporting and guiding us through all the way. Charlotte has been absolutely ...
Excellent service from beginning to end. We purchased our first home through Williams & Goodwin and Julia was amazing at ensuring that the whole process went smoothly. Great communication, friendly, polite and highly proactive in making sure that the conveyancing process went as smoothly as poss...
Ian Murdoch
Having never previously sold a property through the Auction Process at first I was very hesitant, but my fears were short lived. Vicki James from the Llangefni office was most professional in all areas including fully explaining the Auction process, formulating the guide / reserve price, keeping me ...
Phil T
Williams and Goodwin Holyhead to sell two properties. Found the service to be professional and friendly. The latest sale was handled by Charlotte who was extremely professional and committed in ensuring the sale completed. I will certainly use them again and would not hesitate in recommending them.
gary hughes
Very good and effective process with excellent communications. Would recommend without hesitation.
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