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Ni fyddwn yn glynu at yr un dull gwerthu neu osod ar gyfer pawb - byddwn yn teilwra pethau ac yn argymell y dull gorau ar eich cyfer chi a'ch eiddo.

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Dewch i Gwrdd â'r Tîm Ocsiynau

Melfyn Williams

Melfyn Williams

Victoria James

Victoria James

Tim Goodwin

Tim Goodwin

Peter Roberts

Peter Roberts

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Vicky Jenkinson
Charlotte Roberts - Property Specialist, was allocated to support us with our house purchase. From the start of our journey in buying our chosen property, right through to the final signing of papers, Charlotte was there supporting and guiding us through all the way. Charlotte has been absolutely ...
Excellent service from beginning to end. We purchased our first home through Williams & Goodwin and Julia was amazing at ensuring that the whole process went smoothly. Great communication, friendly, polite and highly proactive in making sure that the conveyancing process went as smoothly as poss...
Ian Murdoch
Having never previously sold a property through the Auction Process at first I was very hesitant, but my fears were short lived. Vicki James from the Llangefni office was most professional in all areas including fully explaining the Auction process, formulating the guide / reserve price, keeping me ...
Phil T
Williams and Goodwin Holyhead to sell two properties. Found the service to be professional and friendly. The latest sale was handled by Charlotte who was extremely professional and committed in ensuring the sale completed. I will certainly use them again and would not hesitate in recommending them.
gary hughes
Very good and effective process with excellent communications. Would recommend without hesitation.
Don Brocklehurst
Excellent and professional service from Cai who found us exactly what we were looking for. Also thanks to office staff who helped with admin. Thanks.
anthony adams
mark jones
Very happy that we chose Willliams & Goodwin manage our long term let, Anton & team have been extremely professional throughout the process, even when things didn't go as they should with nightmare tenants. Also glad we took up there advice with Landlords insurance.
Ahmed Ali
I've rented the property through Williams and Goodwin, and I must say, the entire staff has been incredibly helpful and professional throughout my tenancy. Specifically, Mr. Anton stands out for his exceptional assistance with maintenance inquiries. Overall, a highly commendable experience with the ...
Julie Jones
Efficient, friendly staff, from the start we were kept up to date on progress of the sale of our property. We would highly recommend Williams & Goodwin Estate Agents and definitely use them again should the need arise.
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